The home page offers the simple search box, along with alternative languages (English and Welsh are given prominence), a choice of skins, links to "classic catalogues", Login, and a filter to limit searches by institution.

Search results, showing facets and multi-institution holdings.

Title results, including tagging, citation, export, favourites, "similar items", and holdings from multiple institutions (the use of tabs for holdings is not yet live).

"My Account" - items on loan. Where a user has borrowed items from more than one institution, all loans will be shown.
Description of prototype:
iFind Discover is a new online catalogue providing access to the library resources of Swansea University, Swansea Metropolitan University and the Camarthen campus of the University of Wales Trinity St.David (formerly Trinity University College).
iFind Discover provides an easy-to-use Web 2.0 interface, with a simple, Google-like, search box but also advanced searching options for more complex queries. When a title is found, holdings are listed for all three institutions, along with availability and options to place requests (not fully implemented on all sites yet). Search results include filters to limit searches more precisely, and links to other related material.
Users can tag records, leave comments, add to favourites, check their library accounts, renew items, and link through to iFind Research for searching electronic resources.
End User of Prototype:The end users for iFind Discover are students and staff at the three participating institutions. In addition to having a more advanced catalogue to search their library, iFind Discover provides them with a single point of access to resources across all the South West Wales academic libraries from which they are entitled to borrow under a reciprocal borrowing agreement.
Link to working prototype:
iFind Discover is in "live Beta", and can be seen at http://ifind.swwhep.ac.uk
Link to end-user documentation:
A full user guide is here.
Swansea University brief user guide is here.
Link to code respository:
The standard code for VuFind is at https://vufind.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vufind/trunk.
The enhancements made under this project are presently in a separate branch, but may become include in the main version in the near future. The project's branch is at http://vufind.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vufind/branches/master.
Link to technical documentation:
VuFind Multi System document
Multi-system driver document (on the VuFind website)
Date prototype was launched:
iFind Discover went into "live beta" in September 2010. Minor enhancements have taken place since, and will continue to be implemented on a monthly upgrade schedule.
Project team names:
The project team consisted of:
Mark Hughes, mark.hughes@swansea.ac.uk, Head of Collections at Swansea University
Paul Johnson, j.p.johnson@swansea.ac.uk, Virtual Academic Library project manager, South West Wales Higher Education Partnership
Luke O’Sullivan, l.osullivan@swansea.ac.uk, Virtual Academic Library systems officers, South West Wales Higher Education Partnership
Project websites:The project blog is at https://ifind.swwhep.ac.uk/blog/
The iFind Discover project was also reported on the main SWWHEP website at : http://www.swwhep.ac.uk/en/projects/libraryservices/sharedresourcediscovery/
PIMS Entry:
Project posts:
General, and Planning
Welcome to SWWHEP Search!
Project background
Aims, objectives and final output
Benefits, to us and the wider community
Risk analysis and success plan
Intellectual property rights
Why and what is SWWHEPSRCH? A brief pitch
Who are we, anyway?
The best laid plans of mice and men ...
Development and Implementation
Establishing requirements
Open-source solutions - 20 minutes
How do you solve a problem like ...
3-in-1 : Merging bibliographic data
Sharing with the wider community
Sharing VuFind / Jangle with the University of Sussex
VuFinding (Across the Universe)
VuFind 2.0 conference : was a multi-LMS implementation of interest?
JISC LMS programme meeting at ECDL 2010
User interaction
iFind Discover training
iFind Discover in "live beta"
The Consultation process
Beta feedback
Feedback summary
Lessons learned
Where do we go next?